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Your guide to everything #A3C18

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Click the icon on the top left to reach the menu.

App Home - 2018


Explore A3C's Festival, Venues, Conference Centers and much more. 

App Map - 2018


You can search by time ('When') location ('Where') or type ('Festival, Conference or Show & Events')

You can view in both list and grid layout. 


You can create your schedule by clicking 'Add to Schedule' and 'Set Alarm' to remind you before before the event

View your favorite events on 'My Schedule'



If you 'Like' an artist or speaker they will be included in 'My Likes' on the 'Popular' tab.

If you click 'Added to Schedule' their event will be added to 'My Schedule'

App-Lineup-and-Like---2018 V2

You can 'Filter' your search by Festival, Conference or Shows & Events.

Lineup Type - 2018

News & Social Media

Share your experience and follow the updates #A3C18

App News - 2018

What's Poppin'

Keep a list of your favorite artists and explore the most popular events, speakers and artists

App Popular

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